Sunday, September 9, 2018


This past Saturday, my best friend and I decided to walk down Alberta Street where we came upon a small bookstore called "Monograph Bookwerks". 

My best friend and I outside the bookstore

The bookstore entrance

The bookstore was fairly small inside and was filled with that looked like books about modern artwork and photography. I did happen to see a box dedicated to works that focused on social injustices which was interesting. All in all, the shop was cozy and although I do not have any interest in art, it was nice to walk around. 

I didn't spend as much time as I would have liked in the shop, but I encourage everyone to check it out. It's a nice stop to get out the heat after walking towards Alberta Street and it smells nice! While I don't see myself going back anytime in the future, it was a nice little trip. The man that was running at the store was kind -- which seems to be a Portland thing, as someone who’s only grown up around Seattle, I’m still getting used to strangers being nice -- and the shop was tidy. However, if you do have a thing about small spaces, while I enjoyed the small space, it limits how freely one could walk around, especially when walking with someone near you. If you can’t handle tiny spaces, perhaps looking at the books they offer at the front entrance would work better. The books looked a bit pricey but they did have a “clearance” shelf of sorts that’s worth checking out. Overall, the store was a nice break from the heat; it was actually air conditioned, a good change from my sweltering dorm room!

The shop is located right at the beginning of Alberta street, right across from Peak Performance. It’s easy to miss and I nearly did until my friend pointed it out. It’s on the left side and hidden by some shrubs where the entrance is. If all else fails and you can’t find it, Google is your best friend!

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