Tuesday, September 4, 2018

A Look Into Me: My Self Introduction

Me on graduation day!


Hi, I'm Ayanna Bilberry and this is my self-introduction blog. It's pronounced EYE-YAWN-NA for future reference. I come from a pretty big family in Western Washington, from a small town you've probably never heard before, so let's just say I'm from Seattle. One fun fact about me is that I went on a missions trip last summer to Mexico. I've always had a calling to go on a missions trip and it was life-changing. This experience is part of what helped me choose my career path.

the mexico mission trip group!
      I'm a shy person and I tend to zone out a lot, so if you notice me spacing off, I'm not ignoring you on purpose! I'm a lover of vines and animals, I'll go forever about either topics if given the chance. I love a good debate and while I despise talking, that's one of my few exceptions. Oh and I also have some cute pets if you ever want to gush over them with me:

From top to bottom: Rosey, Sharkie, Charles, Milo & Hiro


I'm currently studying in Secondary Education and I hope to become an ESL teacher in the future! Culture and languages has always been something I've been interested in, plus I love helping others, to become an ESL teacher would be a dream come true -- well that and making it onto Ellen for a viral video. Also, for those unaware, ESL just means I'd be teaching English as a second language. God willing, I'll be overseas teaching!


As I stated before, I love animals and learning about different cultures. I also love reading, writing, and acting. I have a long list of favorite books, movies, and TV shows to name them all but I'll highlight my absolute favorites! My favorite books include: Harry Potter, The Throne of Glass series, A Court of Thorns and Roses series, The Selection series, The Wrath & Dawn series, The Great Gatsby, The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer trilogy, The Lunar Chronicles, The Outsiders, Persepolis, and Eleanor and Park. My favorite music artists are: Beyonce, Ed Sheeran, The Arctic Monkeys, The 1975, LANY, BORNs, and yes, One Direction. My favorite movies are: Get Out, Blank Panther, See You in Valhalla, Hush, 10 Things I Hate About You, Moana, Coco, Shrek, Mulan, Pocahontas, Stardust, and many more. As you can see, I have a large range of what I like, so if you ask, chances are I'm at least open to trying it.


If you're familiar with the MBTI personalities than I'd love to chat sometime. I'm an ISFP, which basically means I'm an introvert that hates being boxed in, loving to push the limit. I'm extremely empathetic and if I ever say something along the lines of "Oh, that happened to so or so" or relate a personal thing you're going through to my life, it's me trying to show I emphasize with your situation,I'm not trying to make it about myself, I promise! I'm also very passionate about topics that interest me so be prepared if you ever mentioned Harry Potter, I will go on forever about it. If you don't mind ranting or questioning the world's sanity, we'll be good friends. Also, if you aren't familiar with MBTI, I highly suggest checking it out!

A look into ISFPs

Fun fact: Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, Avril Lavigne, Lana Del Ray, and many more are ISFPs


My dream job is to become an ESL teacher but honestly I'd be content with anyone job that allows me to explore different cultures and help others. It's funny that I chose teaching because writing has been my passion for most of my life and I actually don't like talking to people all that much. Then again, I always love stressing myself out more than needed, so that's probably also a reason why I feel called to do something along those lines. As aforementioned, I went on a missions trip and it just really inspired me to want to travel the world to help more people. While I'd love to be able to pay off my student debt in a timely manner, after that is all done and paid for, I wouldn't care about the paycheck with the job, so long as what I was doing was helping others. This is why after my student debts are paid off I'm interested in joining the Peace Corps. It'll be years before I'm able, but if I can even do it for a month, I'd be elated.


I'm a passionate ISFP with a love for ranting that while I don't like socializing, I'm open to building new friendships with you all this semester! 

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